B. Alex Massage
Structural Therapeutic Massage Therapy


Hello and welcome to B. Alex Massage!  

At B. Alex Massage we focus on structural massage therapy. With structural/therapeutic massage therapy, you present your specific complaint and the therapist assesses your current condition. This process includes taking your personal history, addressing how long you have been experiencing your pain, the type of pain you may be experiencing, along with whether this was a sudden onset of pain or whether this was a long term type of pain. Your therapist will also observe the way you move, test your range of motion, and feel the tissue during your treatment for consistency and texture.   

Once the therapist has a good idea of your condition, a plan will be proposed for an approach to treatment. The actual massage, or treatment, is based on the assessment and the plan you have discussed with your therapist. At the end of the treatment, you and the therapist will review your results. Has your pain lessened? Has your range of mobility increased? Has your posture improved? After your first session, the therapist will recommend additional sessions, as to avoid loosing the improvement that was gained during your initial session. An evaluation will take place at the end of each session to determine the continued course of therapy.  

Although this may sound very involved, an experienced B. Alex Massage therapist will do the assessment and propose a plan quickly. You should experience some degree of relief in your very first session. 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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